

Friday, April 13, 2012

How to Experience Lucid Dreams Without Drugs

Most people have generally found dreams and their occurrences a mystery up until recently when experts proposed theories that explained the actual reason behind them. Lucid dreaming however offers an entirely different experience from normal dreaming because unlike experiencing the other where one has no control over their surroundings and activities, this type of dreaming allows individuals to control their activities as well as the places they happen to be, fall upon or tread. In lucid dreaming the individual experiencing the occurrence knows that they are in fact dreaming and can control what happens in their thoughts as if in real life.
The experiences that people have in lucid dreaming allow them endless possibilities. What this means is that there are no obstacles within the dreams as is the case with real life and as such lucid dreamers can experience whatever they want without fear of impending consequences. This type of occurrence while sleeping allows people to experience both adventure and or fantasy and enjoy themselves from whatever dreams their imagination can come up with. Though normal dreams make individuals feel like they are not in control, lucid ones allows the person experiencing them to be in total control of the situation, their surroundings and activities. At certain times this type of occurrence can present as being so life like that the dreamer has to mentally shake themselves in order to establish whether or not they are dreaming or in the real world.
A simple test to identify whether or not the dream you are having is a lucid one is to try reading something. In a lucid dream the words you see will keep changing as such making it virtually impossible to properly read. So why are people so fascinated and or interested in how to lucid dream? Well the answer to this question is quite simple; this is because experiencing such occurrences allows people to bring their deepest desires to life. In simple words, what you can not do or experience in real life can be done in your dreams. If there is someone you feel that you are in love with in real life but they are unattainable for some reason or the other lucid dreaming allows you to enjoy sharing moments with that person in your dreams.
Experiencing such dreams is not a difficult task once you tap in to the right method. Research reveals that everyone accidentally experiences lucid dreams at least once in their lives. All one has to do to enjoy these types of dreams on demand is recognize the dream state. There are a number of ways subconscious recognition can be achieved, these are though: meditation, hypnosis, visualization and reality checks. Practicing one or all of the above methods just before you sleep or during the waking day helps plant the seed of lucidity and allows your subconscious mind to trigger you during sleep.
Follow the link to find more about conscious dreaming and lucid dreaming tips and advice.

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