

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why You Should Use an Electric Shaver

Shaving is an activity that everyone loves to hate. From men who hate having a four o'clock shadow to women that hate having to shave themselves every day, shaving is often a chore and it's very rarely enjoyed. Thankfully, technology has brought us numerous aids - and perhaps one of the most popular of them all has to be electric shavers.
Electric shavers have come a long way since the 1960s and 70s when they really were quite dangerous. Indeed, back then you were faced with the prospect of regular cuts or perhaps even worse. Luckily enough, today's electric razor blades really do offer a shave that's second only to the barber's cutthroat razor.
We live in a world of LCD televisions, home theaters and micro-electronics, but for some reason, electric razors still aren't common place in every home. Sadly however, the fact is that many believe them to deliver an inferior shave and while this is no longer true - people have also held on to the idea that electric razors cost a fortune. The secret is, you can get a good electric razor for under $25.
The great thing about electric shavers is that they're really small and compact. Many also battery powered. While it's true there are countless large 'rotary' models that look like an MC's microphone - there are also smaller, more compact foil based shavers that get the job done just as quickly. Generally speaking, the larger models tend to do just about everything. From trimming your sideburns to your nasal hairs, there are shavers that can even moisturize your skin at the same time!
Depending on your needs - there are many different models to choose from. Generally the two main types of electric shavers are foil shavers and rotary shavers. Foil shavers are generally more sophisticated and compact, whilst looking like a traditional razor, whereas rotary shavers tend to be larger with multiple rotating blades that mold around your face as you shave.
Compared to the traditional razor blade, electric razors really are just about as effective. The only drawback is that blades aren't as readily replaceable but with most electric shavers featuring self-sharpening technology, you can go for months without needing to change your blade because they stay razor sharp for as long as possible.
Prices for electric razor blades start at well under $100 and go up to over $200 for the best models on the market. For something as expensive as $200, you'd expect a shaver that's self -cleaning and does just about everything you could need. Indeed, while at first such a price might seem ridiculous, chances are you already spend that in a year with conventional grooming products! In fact, it's possible to get travel shavers for under $50! Which means an electric shaver really can save you money!
For those who are partial to the ritual of a morning shave, an electric shaver really does speed up the process and make it almost non-existent. No more shaving cream, no more razor cuts and no need to worry about replacing your razor blades every week. With an electric shaver - you can finally get the job done in just a few minutes.
For more information, Ed Thomson the author would like to invite you to visit where you can find more information on Electric shavers and see some of the most popular models available.

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