

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Human Brain - Your Greatest Gift

The power of the human brain is amazing. Although scientists are only beginning to understand how it works, the one thing they are sure of is that the connections within the brain greatly exceed the connections of the world's most powerful computer. You would be wise to do everything possible to choose a lifestyle that will contribute to an ongoing increase in brain power, rather than choosing a lifestyle that will contribute to a gradual decrease in brain power.
The brain is one of the most resilient organs and is often the last "to go" in cases of serious bodily harm or terminal illness. The brain controls every function of the body and always fights to survive, even against all odds.
The power of the human brain is generally under-used and under-appreciated. Even though a few people have made amazing discoveries, given the world life-changing inventions, and extended the quality of life through medical research, the question must be asked, "If everyone has this magnificent cognitive resource, why isn't more being done by more people?" Can the average person like you and me tap into the power of the brain? The answer is YES, when the choice is made to do so.
Anyone, (and I do mean anyone), can do it. Increasing your brain power is actually a life-long, continuous process. It doesn't happen instantaneously and there is no one perfect way. There are many brain-boosting strategies that can be implemented. You simply have to choose the ones that "fit" you.
To continuously improve brain power, one basic fact must be remembered. The brain needs to be challenged and stimulated all the time. Brain-boosting strategies are the answer. By stimulating the brain through these strategies, new neural pathways are created. As a result, you are more alert and your cognitive abilities are sharpened. Age is not a factor. Brain stimulation is critical and effective at any age. The important thing is to make it happen.
When you are young, you probably do not think much about your amazing brain and everything it can do. Its functions are natural and part of the reality of youth. Unfortunately, age can lessen the power of the brain if you do not pay attention and take steps to ensure its vitality throughout your life. Mental acuity is a great gift, you don't want to lose it. Take the steps to protect it.
If you want to continuously improve brain power and enhance your memory, it must become a priority in your life. You can begin immediately by choosing and implementing brain-boosting strategies, and then taking the daily actions required to sustain those strategies over time. A commitment to make the necessary lifestyle changes is the first step.
It would be wonderful if there were a single surefire way to boost your brain power. Unfortunately, that is not the case. There are so many ways to stimulate the brain that would be impossible to choose just one, nor would a single strategy be effective. A combination of strategies is required.
Building brain power is very similar to bodybuilding. The effort must be incorporated into your daily routine. The basics are critical - eat brain-building foods, get adequate rest and exercise the brain (stimulation). These will move you in the right direction. The quality of the results will be equal to the quality of your effort.
Do the research and find the strategies that will work for you and begin building your brain power today. Every effort will pay dividends! Do not be numbered among those who say, "If only I had done things differently..."
J. J. Jackson is a writer with expertise in how to increase brain power and sustain long-term mental acuity. Visit his Website How to Improve Brain Power. You will also want to review Power Up Your Mind.

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