

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Chiropractic Treatment of Migraines

Migraine headaches afflict approximately six percent of men in the United States and eighteen percent of women at the same time, and migraine headache sufferers tend to miss between three and five workdays per year to these crushing headaches. When you consider the prevalence of the condition, it is surprising that there is still an enormous amount that is not known about its causes; because of this, treatments vary in their effectiveness. Though most migraine sufferers seek and use traditional medicine and rely on a combination of over the counter and prescription medications, others have found tremendous relief through treatment by chiropractors.
Though a great deal is still unknown about migraine headaches, we do know that the mechanism involves dilation and contraction of blood vessels in the brain; it is the cause of this dilation that remains a mystery. They may be caused by a number of things, including chemical imbalances in the brain, physical or emotional stress, or even exposure to certain foods and smells. In their search for relief from this debilitating condition, migraine sufferers have turned in increasing numbers to chiropractors, who believe that the migraine originates in a misalignment of the spine, and offer manipulation to both relieve the acute symptoms of an ongoing migraine and prevent the recurrence of migraines in the future. Patients have reported that the treatments are at least as effective as taking prescription medication without the side effects, and many report that once they've had chiropractic treatment, their migraines did not come back for several years.
The treatment of migraines, as well as other conditions, by chiropractors concentrates on the impact that the spine's misalignment has on the central nervous system. The interruption of the pathways of the spine that are impacted by migraine are generally those that feed the upper back, neck, shoulder and jaw, and that is where the chiropractor focuses his attention for headache sufferers. For chronic migraines, a treatment every three to four weeks generally wards off a migraine attack; about twenty five to thirty percent of migraine sufferers never require another treatment again after their first visit with a chiropractor. It is difficult to tell whether seeing a chiropractor for a migraine is effective because it treats the symptoms so well or because it cures the underlying problem that caused the migraine in the first place; chiropractic adjustment is well known for its impact on overall wellness.
For more information from a professional chiropractor in high point nc visit us at

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